Monday, August 31, 2009

Here we go again ...

So, we're back in the saddle again. Saddle meaning "the hospital", of
course. During her cardio appointment on Friday, Mirabel's doctor
became concerned about her puffiness and some fluid he saw in her
lungs. Saturday she looked even puffier (despite going up on her
diuretic) and Sunday morning she was so swollen she could barely open
her right eye (I'll spare you that picture). We measures her sats, and
when they averaged 63 we knew it was time for her introductory trip to
the Children's ER.

Sure enough, after they got her stabilized with some Os and IV Lasix,
they admitted her to the floor to figure out what's going on. They
too a chest x-Ray and discovered that her lung looked better, but her
face remained puffy.

So this morning they did an echo, and are now concerned that there is
some narrowing at the site of her Glenn, where the superior vena cava
is connected to the pulmonary arteries. She is now scheduled for a
cath tomorrow morning so they can get a closer look at the site, and
also get some data on her heart function. If necessary, they may
balloon or stent the arteries to increase the flow.

She's now down to .1 L flow of O2 and fighting a nap she desperately
needs ... But otherwise feeling much better. We will update as possible.


The Smith's said...

Oh Cristy! I was shocked to see Mirabel in that hospital bed! Not where we want that sweet girl to be at all... Praying for a successful cath & wisdom for the doctors, she's in such good hands at that hospital.

Do you guys need anything?

Susie Maxwell said...

Checking in on you guys and saw you were back at Children's... Hopefully tommorrow's cath brings some much needed answers, we'll pray for that! Teagan was re-admitted 1 day after being discharged from her Glenn with severe face swelling/low sats. They did a cath the next day and she ended up having a narrowing at the Glenn site that needed a stent. After the cath, she improved quickly. We'll be checking in tommorrow to see how it goes, and praying for Mirabel. Hang in there!

Katie said...

So sorry you're back!!! Mirabel will be in my prayers for an uneventful night and a successful cath. I'm hoping to come over there tomorrow to spend time with a friend, maybe I'll be able to stop in and say hello :)

Take care & heart hugs!!!

Marla Vichich said...

Prayers and positive thoughts for Mirabel are coming from Ohio. ...not just for Mirabel, but for Mom, Dad and Grandma, too. Love and hugs to all.
Miss Marla