Sunday, January 11, 2009

What's next?

Now that we're home you are probably wondering what the plan is.

I've explained before that this is a very important time for Mirabel.  Without going into all the details about keeping her healthy it comes down to growing.  She has shown that it's something she's good at, coming into this world at almost 9 lbs and she's doing her best to keep it up.  Today for the first time she came in at over 5 kg (11 lbs).
She has a gore-tex shunt attached to her heart that sends blood to her lungs.  Basically now they are waiting for her to grow out of that shunt.  For some babies, 5 kilos would be a good time to do the second procedure (the Glenn) but then most babies with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) start out a lot smaller than 9 lbs, so Mirabel is just going to have to wait.  Which is fine with Mommy and Daddy.  Although we often feel like a slave to the pulse ox we are really enjoying our little one.

Who seems happy and totally engaged with her family, when she's awake, that is...

Of course we love her and everyone she meets seems to fall victim to her charms, but there is one member of the family that has yet to voice an opinion...
On the other hand, the LiLu is pretty good at making her opinions known...
We are trying to be as normal as possible, Mirabel even went to her first sale at Macy's yesterday.  Afterwards she met a new friend...

So, that's where we are.  Getting bigger and making friends.  And maybe, just maybe, Mirabel and Lilu can come to some sort of agreement...

Meanwhile, Mommy and Daddy are having fun and finding plenty of time to get the little things done when Mirabel falls asleep.  Well, maybe not...


Anonymous said...

This is the best blog EVER!

AnikkiV said...

Oh, it's so sweet to see those two babies together. Seth - don't tell Ruby I called her a baby!

Anonymous said...

11 lbs. that is wonderful! I have enjoyed your blogs and there is hardly a day that passes when I don't check to learn of the happenings in the life of this beautiful child! The love of her parents is so evident in the blogs! Keep it up! My prayers are with you! God bless!

Centerville, Oh