Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It starts so early...


Anonymous said...

You are grounded young lady!
You just wait until I get home!
You are SO grounded!

AMM said...

It is wonderful to see such defiance in one so young!! She truely has a right to her expression after all she has been through.

You can trace her colorful use of sign language back to the sonagram!

As the parent of a 19 year old with a single ventricle (simple explaination for many defects), I welcome you all to the Seattle Heart to Heart group. I hope you find the support you seek and the inspiration that is so hard to miss when watching other children running around enjoying their lives after all they have been through.
I look forward to meeting you all,

Anonymous said...

She's feisty! I'm sure mine would've flipped off all her cardiologists too! LOL Happy New Year!

Wyndi said...

hi:) she is to cute! i came to your blog from the heart group email. We are looking forward to meeting you on Sunday. I am Wyndi and my daughter is Izabell 2 1/2 years old.
We hope that your transition home has been smooth and that you are all able to get some rest and having lots of fun with your wonderful daughter! She is beautiful!
